How it all began

Ralph and I have been together since the summer of 2008 but it all began in 1992. Ralph's sister, Colleen and I have been best friends since 6th grade and we grew up at each other's houses throughout the years. Ralph was always around but being the younger brother was forbidden to be around us (not that he wanted to make up dances with us). We said hi during high school and when I needed a jersey to wear to school on Fridays, Ralph was nice enough to let me wear his. He visited Kent State while I was there once to look at the football team and campus but decided against attending. He joined the Marine Corps and we spoke through emails every now and then just to see how the other was doing. Life went on and our paths finally crossed again in 2008 when Colleen invited me to their families yearly 4th of July party. Ralph was home on leave from Iraq and I just moved back to Cincinnati. This time when we saw each other things seemed a little different and the rest is history. In December 2011 we were engaged, July 2012 we were married, April 2013 we bought our first house and March 2014 we had our first child, Braxten! Each year has been more blessed than the last and we are so excited to see where our future takes us!

Friday, December 26, 2014


The day after Christmas is full of playing with new toys!!! He is loving it. Yesterday the boxes and paper were a hit and today we are actually playing! Thank you to everyone who shared in Braxten's first Christmas!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Piano video

I am hoping this plays in the blog. Braxten is very talented at playing the piano with his feet :)

Monday, November 17, 2014


This is my favorite part of the day! Braxten snuggles so well after his bottle when he is tired. Mommy and Daddy take a few extra minutes to cherish the moment before we put him down for bed. We love you buddy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Daddy Days!

Daddy and B spent the day playing, laughing and watching football! What lucky boys to love each other so much!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Date Night

Date night started with brand new earrings from my amazing husband because Braxten pulls on the ones he got me for Christmas a few years ago! What a sweet surprise and they are beautiful!!! Then off to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, the candy store to stock up for Dumb and Dumber, played a few games at Game Works, we found a Polar bear to take a picture with then home to bed and slept in! Now time to go get B! Thanks Missi and Pop, hope he slept!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Booster shot

We had to get a booster shot today :( Braxten did great! He smiled at the nurse before and after too. The nurse loved it and him!!! He gets to go spend the night with Missi and Pop tonight and as we get to have a date night!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Nov 12

Last night Ralph was putting Brax to bed and as he was burping him B started to laugh so hard he would throw his arms around Ralph's neck and give him a huge hug!!! We have such a sweet little man!!
What a happy man today! Braxten slept great last night got up and played hard for 2 hours and took and hour nap. We played again for 2.5 hours and was ready for another nap. Another 2.5 hours later he was still napping with no signs of waking up so I had to wake him up! What a sleeper :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Trip to Cleveland and a tooth

We took a quick weekend trip to Cleveland! CJ and Braxten entertained each other and showed real cousin love! It was wonderful. Sarah and I went to get pedicures and shopped a bit while Missi got some grandchild time. On Saturday night while B was getting a bath I checked for teeth and he has his first tooth!!!!! It's just popping through on the bottom but he proved he sure can bite hard :) Ohio State beat MSU to finish off a great Saturday! On the way home we stopped in Columbus and got to have lunch with Aunt Fran. Braxten was amazing all weekend and now we are home hanging out with Daddy! Braxten smile when he sees Ralph lights up the room. He loves his Daddy! Thank you CJ and Sarah for letting us visit for the weekend, can't wait to see you again in a few weeks!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Can't get enough of our family!

Just a few cute pictures! We love spending time with B and watching him grow and love!

Oct 16th, 2014

I posted these pictures a week ago... so I thought. I guess I need a lesson on posting from my phone.

Oct 16th, 2014
Braxten has been busy lately with trying new foods like sweet potatoes and bananas, rolling from his back to front and getting caught (mostly between 3-6am), talking and laughing constantly, reach for anything he isn't supposed to have and melting our hearts every day!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A little late... Terrace Park

Terrace Park Police Officer
On August 27th Ralph was sworn in as an officer at Terrace Park Police Department! We are so proud of him and are excited to see where this department can take him.
Congrats Ralph!!! We love you!
 The whole family!

Our Family!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

6 Month Old!!!!

Braxten Carter Hodges is 6 Months old!!
17 pounds 3 ounces
26.25 inches long
Braxten is one curious little man! He has begun to recognize those people that he sees the most and for all others he stares at intently (he has perfected his father's look). He warms up quickly and flirts with all the ladies. He loves when we read to him, tickle his toes and when Daddy has him fly like Super Baby! Braxten is still sleeping 11-12 hours a night and has begun to eat every 4 hours. He is such a happy guy although he is starting to get a little crabby at night earlier than he used to, that only means a little earlier bedtime which we are all doing well with. We love our sweet boy and can't believe that 6 months have gone by so quickly!

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 months old!!!

 5 MONTHS!!!!

Braxten is now 5 months old!!!!
Weight: 16lb 2 oz.

We don't have to go see the pediatrician until next month! But he keeps growing like a weed.
He is still one of the happiest babies in the world and continues to brighten our world each minute. He truly is a blessing! He is still not rolling over but he is enjoying tummy time a little more each day. He talks non stop and laughs all the time. As he sees Ralph and myself he lights up and smiles - best sight ever!!! He is extremely observant and doesn't want to miss a thing. During one week this month he did not want to nap in his crib, we think he was afraid to miss something (or starting to feel teeth, or not feel well) but he would fall asleep on us which never happens. Although we wanted his schedule to stay the same we welcomed the extra cuddle time! He seems to have gotten himself back on track and is currently napping without trouble. We continue to wonder what took us so long to enjoy the miracle of being parents! 

Day at the pool! (August 17th,2014)

The last day with Rylan and CJ in Cincinnati we went over to Missi and Pop's house. Daddy and Rylan played outside but 4 balls ended up getting stuck in the tree; 1soccer ball, 2 basketballs and a football! Mommy climbed the tree to save 2 and Daddy saved another. When I was eating dinner CJ fed Brook her bottle, I like eating with someone else. Everyone went for snowcones after dinner and I thought the colors of my families tongues were pretty funny!!! What an amazingly fun weekend!!!

Another fun day!!! (August 16th, 2014)

I dressed in my football outfit to watch my cousin Zoe cheer at a football game. I have never been to watch cheerleaders or football players in person and I was super entertained! Mom tells me that Dad used to play and Aunt Colleen would cheer! I was asked by a few people if I would play when I get older, Mommy told them we would wait and see (with her fingers crossed). Look at my awesome cousin cheering!!

Later that night we went to the Seton festival with all my cousins and more friends! It was my first festival and there was some serious people watching happening. All of my cousins wanted to make me laugh and they were continually successful! I love my family. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day with my cousins!

Mommy went to work today and I got to spend the day with Rylan, CJ, Missi and Pop!!! CJ sang to me and and even changed my diaper (I didn't have a dirty one). Rylan played with me and gave me hugs and kisses! We all went to Entertrainment Junction and I got to ride in a big boy stroller! I am getting pretty big :) It was a great day and the best news is... they are here all weekend!

Rocky the horse

 I tried to ride Rocky the other day with Daddy's help but Rock wouldn't get up. He doesn't look like he is very amused but we all had a good time! I have the best dog ever!!!

No more nursing

August 10th - 4.5 months
Braxten has been on a "nursing strike" for about a month. It has been a struggle to have him nurse in the mornings before work for a while but it is now a fight at every feeding time. The stress and the lack of milk that I am producing has brought us to the decision to stop nursing. Although it is not an easy decision I am just not producing enough to make it worth the time and frustration. He is super happy with formula and the frozen milk that we have stored so our chunky man will continue to eat plenty. I think with working 12 hour days he got used to the ease of the bottle. I am feeling better about the decision and realizing how much stress is being relieved. I love that Ralph and I are on the same page and his support is never ending!

On a cute note we went to a farmers market with Missi and he was able to wear his farmer plaid!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Just for fun!

 Over the past few days we have all been hanging out with together - it has been wonderful! As Braxten is getting older his looks change by the second. Although he still looks like his Daddy, Mommy is still hoping there is a feature of her! As you can see by the following pictures there is not a whole lot of hope for the Eckel genes :) Good thing I have a handsome husband!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Four Month Update

Braxten went to the doctor today and is still super healthy!!! 
Weight: 15lb 3oz (37th percentile)
Length: 25 inches (32nd percentile)
His head circumference is in the 20th percentile

         He is growing right on schedule! The doctor was impressed with the improvement of his neck movement, he is able to look all the way to the left now. His neck is getting much stronger as he has more tummy time and he has become more and more curious. When we sit outside he has begun to watch cars drive in and out of the neighborhood and is completely entertained by Rocky. He is giggling more and more which in turn makes us smile every time. Braxten blows bubbles constantly and has started to recognize our faces and voices. There is nothing better than the moment he realizes who you are - his face lights up and so does ours! We continually feel blessed by everything he does.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

4 months!!!!

We don't go to the doctor until next week but I am officially 4 months old today! Aunt Sara tells my parents that this month things get easier (not that they have been that difficult - I am an amazing kid!) So far today I have refused to nap and want to eat every 3 hours instead of 3.5-4... hmmmm. :) I have taught myself to sit up today. Mommy and I were in the garage since it was raining and I surprised her when she looked away for a second - she looked back and I was sitting up! I still love to stand - Popo thinks I will be walking in a few months. I am becoming more curious as I grab what is in my lap but I don't reach for things yet. Mommy and Daddy love me more each day and they look forward to seeing what my future brings!