How it all began

Ralph and I have been together since the summer of 2008 but it all began in 1992. Ralph's sister, Colleen and I have been best friends since 6th grade and we grew up at each other's houses throughout the years. Ralph was always around but being the younger brother was forbidden to be around us (not that he wanted to make up dances with us). We said hi during high school and when I needed a jersey to wear to school on Fridays, Ralph was nice enough to let me wear his. He visited Kent State while I was there once to look at the football team and campus but decided against attending. He joined the Marine Corps and we spoke through emails every now and then just to see how the other was doing. Life went on and our paths finally crossed again in 2008 when Colleen invited me to their families yearly 4th of July party. Ralph was home on leave from Iraq and I just moved back to Cincinnati. This time when we saw each other things seemed a little different and the rest is history. In December 2011 we were engaged, July 2012 we were married, April 2013 we bought our first house and March 2014 we had our first child, Braxten! Each year has been more blessed than the last and we are so excited to see where our future takes us!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Crib and selfie day

Not sure why all the pictures are posting but not the text... Frustrating! Kane's first night in the crib was last night and she did well. Nothing miraculous but well. She ate her last bottle at around 8 and was then wide awake but laid in her crib at 10. She woke up at 230, 6 and then 915. Tonight she ate her last bottle at 9 and went straight to her crib, we will see what the night brings. Without knowing what to expect I am off to bed. Good night!

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Crib and selfie day

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Not sure why my phone isn't posting the entire posts. Here is the rest of Braxtens from earlier...

• He is walking from point to point when he feels like it. It is entirely on his terms
• He is no longer eating formula although we still have 3-4 bottles of milk a day. We have begun some "bottle envy" when Kane gets her bottle
• He sprints on his knees to Jane when she cries and points to her to be sure we know she is upset. And brings her a pacifier when she may need it. We need to work on not throwing it at her face but it's still sweet!
• B has become very opinionated and knows exactly what he wants. He still speaks Japanese but knows what he is saying and gets frustrated when we don't respond fast enough. He is one loud and independent kid!
• He luckily will play by himself during the day for 20 minutes or so which frees up some time to feed or tend to Kane
• 7 teeth have come in but as he is chewing his fingers and drooling, we think many more are coming in.
• Still taking two naps a day!
• B still wears 12 month clothes but some 18 months pajamas
• Favorite activity is chasing Rocky with the walker and an evil look in his eye - this is a constant , poor Rock!
• Our favorite happens before nap and bed, B is giving the best hugs now!!! It's amazing!

Braxten is bringing joy to our lives everyday and we are thankful for our loud, curious, independent, loving little man!

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Kane is such a sweet little girl! She is so cuddly and wants to be held and loved! Good thing we love to hold her and surround her with love!

She is smiling a few times a day and has a dimple on the right side! She is a pretty quiet baby and cries when she is hungry, cold or close to asleep.

Her eyes are beautiful blue with dark blue outline. I am sure they will turn brown though.

Kane is sleeping in the MamaRoo still due to projectile vomiting. Crib sleeping is this week! Good luck to us!

She makes a million crazy noises so I bet she talks as much as Braxten does... Nonstop!

She is the perfect completion of our family! We are in awe again of our smaller baby :) We love you Kane!

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Kane at 3 weeks

Braxten 14 months!

Braxten is a busy boy! He is now 14 months old and has all kind of new tricks!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

3 weeks and 14 months!

Our babies are 14 months old and 3 weeks old! It just happened to be on the same day, May 23rd. Here are our kiddos!! B did not really want his picture taken but we will try again later too :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I asked Braxten to give her a kiss and he did! He was so gentle for this minute :) what a sweet boy!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Smiles and tummy time

Tummy time ended up as nap time for a few minutes :) The greatest part of the morning happened when Ralph came down from upstairs and started talking to Kane as she was relaxing on my lap. She looked up at him and flashes her first smile! It was adorable!!! We both got to see it at the same time and even though we know it isn't on purpose yet it made us feel amazing! What a sweet little girl! We love you!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Challenging morning!

After two weeks of days that were pretty well controlled, this morning was a bit different. They staggered their wake up times for me which was helpful but that was the good part. B decided he didn't want to eat any breakfast and threw everything on the floor in about 2 sec and screamed when I tried to give him anything else. He was put on the floor to go play and started to until he saw Kane's bottle. I made him one and fed them at the same time. All was quiet until Kane projectile vomited all over herself, her lounge pillow and the couch. As I cleaned her up B decided he wanted to be held so he just screamed at my legs. Deep breath was taken as I realized how wonderful this morning was going to be. He finally gave up and crawled to the kitchen and threw all of the clean clothes out of the basket and onto the kitchen floor... Everywhere- including in the dogs water bowl!!! This all happened as Ralph went upstairs for 2 minutes to change after work. As he walked down the stairs B had crawled into the playroom and was looking as if he was finger painting the floor, he was, but it was with Rocky's poop. Yep that's right! Rocky went to the bathroom in there overnight and we hadn't been in there yet to notice it. Thank goodness Ralph came down when he did and caught him before it ended up anywhere other than on his hands. Yay for having our first ridiculous morning! By the way this is all before 10am, come on nap time!!!

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Friday, May 15, 2015


Last night Miss Kane went to bed at 11 after she ate again and didn't wake up until 7am!!! What?!?! Yep not kidding! I am sure it was a fluke but I liked it! She is still sleeping in the Mama Roo that Braxten slept in for 2.5 weeks. We are moving to the crib on Monday. I am looking forward to her getting used to the crib but not looking forward to moving her down the hall and out of arms reach. It is so convenient right now. Since she will drink cold milk I have a cooler by the bed and ready at any time. Let's just pray the transition will go as easily for her as it did for B. Could I be that lucky?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Night and morning!

Braxten has begun to give hugs! They are the best!!! He hugs super tight and rests his head wherever it fits :) It makes any day or moment so much better. He is such a sweet little boy when he isn't yelling at everything possible. We do have one loud kiddo.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day!

We had a great Mother's Day filled with a hilarious card, a huge bag of sour patch kids and a cookout with our neighbors! It was a blast! Two kids in two years is our max, love spending time with my little monsters! Life is wonderful!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Double stroller

We used the double stroller for the first time. It felt massive during the walk and B felt super far from me at the beginning but both kids were comfy and by the end of the walk it was great! Thanks GG and GGPa!

Introducing Kane Elizabeth Hodges

Welcome to the world Sweet Baby Kane!
Arrived at 1:31am
Weight: 7lb 15oz
Length: 19 inches
Kane came into the world in a hurry and our lives are forever changed for the better!
We love you so much little girl! Our family is now complete! 


Kane is one week old!!! She is a sleeper through the day and wakes up at night at 12, 4 and 7 or so. She is eating well although nursing wasn't working. I have continued to pump and feed her with a bottle. It is working perfectly for our young family! She spits up much more than B ever did so we are more careful feeding her slowly. She gets hiccups multiple times a day but is a super quiet and happy baby as long as she is swaddled and warm. Baby girl is very comfortable on her belly and seems to like it more than her back. Newborn pictures were taken yesterday and I can't wait to see them!!!