How it all began

Ralph and I have been together since the summer of 2008 but it all began in 1992. Ralph's sister, Colleen and I have been best friends since 6th grade and we grew up at each other's houses throughout the years. Ralph was always around but being the younger brother was forbidden to be around us (not that he wanted to make up dances with us). We said hi during high school and when I needed a jersey to wear to school on Fridays, Ralph was nice enough to let me wear his. He visited Kent State while I was there once to look at the football team and campus but decided against attending. He joined the Marine Corps and we spoke through emails every now and then just to see how the other was doing. Life went on and our paths finally crossed again in 2008 when Colleen invited me to their families yearly 4th of July party. Ralph was home on leave from Iraq and I just moved back to Cincinnati. This time when we saw each other things seemed a little different and the rest is history. In December 2011 we were engaged, July 2012 we were married, April 2013 we bought our first house and March 2014 we had our first child, Braxten! Each year has been more blessed than the last and we are so excited to see where our future takes us!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Random Kane Pictures

Kane has some fun pictures too!! She looks so cute on this little chair, and of course Rocky loves his little sister too. She is sitting up really well and playing with toys when they are close to her. She is so smiley everyday and has begun to eat real food. She tried some carrots and decided to blow bubbles at that exact time and they went all over her. It was pretty hilarious. She is so sweet and loving, we could not be any luckier to have such an amazing baby girl! We love you Kane!!

Random Braxten pictures

As we are looking through the pictures that have been taken but really don't need an entry of their own, we collected some that we love from November. Braxten loves Rocky and Rock is the most patient dog as he gets tortured daily. He has decided that ketchup is good enough to drink from a small container. Daddy made their faces look crazy on a phone app and , of course, the picture of his famous B face! He loves to make faces as we take pictures of us (when he isn't forced to)! He thinks he knows how to use the computer and looks pretty cute as he pretends to be a little older worker. Our little man is a busy and crazy guy who we just can't get enough of. We love you buddy!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Kane is 6 Months Old

It is amazing that Kane is already 6 months old. She is such an easy going little girl, we have gotten lucky once again. 
  • Kane is 26.25 inches long
  • Weights 17lb 13oz
  • has gray/green/brown eyes
  • sits up on her own
  • loves playing with anything near her
  • rolls around constantly
  • yells as she tries to talk - she is louder than B ever was, which we thought was loud
  • is wearing 6 month clothes but not for much longer
  • eats almost every 4 hours with a few 3 hours thrown in 
  • has begun eating cereal and sweet potatoes although she isn't sure about either yet
  • has cut her naps down to twice a day with a inconsistent third cat nap in the evening
Kane loves attention! She is by far the happiest when she can see people and they are talking to her. She laughs at Braxten all day long and when Rocky smells her face. She still has rolls upon rolls reminding us that we have such a healthy baby girl! She is a huge flirt as she smiles, giggles and tilts her head as Daddy and other men talk to her. She doesn't move around too quickly yet but we don't think that will last much longer. 
Thank you for brightening everyday in everyone's lives! We love you  with all of our hearts!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015!!!

Happy first Halloween sweet baby Kane and Welcome to the world of sugar Braxten! We started our day in orange and ended up in our costumes. Kane wore the dress that CJ wore when she was a baby! It is one of our all time favorite dresses and the side by side picture below shows just how cute they both are. We could not be more thankful for clothes to be handed down through the family! Braxten had is second lollipop ever and then wanted them throughout the rest of the night, of course. She was dressed as a duck and stayed super warm as she cuddled with everyone through the evening. B was Stewie from the family guy but his costume was kind of a fail. He removed the yellow buttons the second we put them on and refused to wear anything to make his head more of a football shape, like Stewie. Oh well he was still cute and people did recognize it to be a costume. We had grandparents and neighbors come to join our fire pit and candy party. B did not go trick or treating this year, we got away with it for one more time. He was interested in looking at everyone walking up our driveway and never ran around like we thought he would. His favorite costume was a blow up cow that we thought he would Moo to but he just stood and stared at it. All in all it was an entertaining night. Next year will be true trick or treating, sitting in the driveway all night will be no more.